Feb 10

Srpski CV – latinica

Žolt Namestovski je rođen 14. avgusta 1981. godine u Subotici. Osnovnu školu je završio u Bajši, kao vukovac. Posle osnovne škole je završio gimnaziju Dositej Obradović u Bačkoj Topoli sa odličnim uspehom. 2000. godine je upisao Učiteljski Fakultet u Subotici. 2004. godine je diplomirao na fakultetu sa prosečnom ocenom 8,73. Diplomski rad je odbranio u oktobru 2004. godine. Tema diplomskog rada je bila: Primena računara u nastavno-obrazovnom radu u osnovnim školama Vojvodine. Komisija je ocenila rad sa ocenom 10 (deset). 2004. godine je upisao magistarske studije na Tehničkom Fakultetu “Mihajlo Pupin” u Zrenjaninu, na smeru Informatika u obrazovanju. Magistarsku tezu je odbranio 08.07.2008. godine, pod nazivom: „Uticaj primene savremenih nastavnih sredstava na povećanje efikasnosti nastave u osnovnoj školi”. Mentor rada je bila dr Dragana Glušac. 12.11.2008. godine je prijavio doktorsku tezu na Univerzitetu u Novom Sadu sa temom: Analiza efekata primene obrazovnih softvera na motivisanost nastavnika i učenika u nižim razredima osnovne škole. Doktorsku disertaciju je odbranio 09.07.2013. godine na Tehničkom fakultetu „Mihajlo Pupin“ u Zrenjaninu, pred komisijom: prof. dr Dragica Radosav (predsednik), prof. dr Olivera Gajić (član), doc. dr Dijana Karuović (član), prof. dr Marta Takač (član), prof. dr Dragana Glušac (član, mentor).
Od školske 2006/2007. godine je stručni saradnik u nastavi iz predmeta Osnovi informatike (vežbe), Informatika u obrazovanju (vežbe) i Obrazovna tehnologija (vežbe) na Učiteljskom fakultetu na mađarskom nastavnom jeziku u Subotici. Od 24.02.2009. godine je asistent na fakuktetu. Od 2008. godine je akreditovan predavač i ispitivač na ECDL kursevima. Od 2009. godine je autor i predavač na seminarima za nastavnike: Obučavanje nastavnika za korišćenja elektronske, Mogućnosti primene veb 2.0 alata u nastavi (Google Drive dokumenti, Prezi prezentacije, WordPress veb-sajtovi). Od zimskog semestra 2012/2013 školske godine predaje i na Pedagoškom psihološkom fakultetu Univerziteta „Eötvös Loránd“ u Budimpešti (2013. 02. 04.), gde je izabran za predavača godine u zimskom semestru 2013. godine. Od 09.10.2013. godine je član spoljnog javnog tela Mađarske akademije nauka.

Feb 09

English CV

Dr Žolt Namestovski, curriculum vitae (CV) 

He born and raised in Bajša (Republic of Serbia, Vojvodina) and attended elementary school in his hometown. After elementary school he finished the Grammar School “Dositej Obradović” in Bačka Topola.

Following secondary education, he applied to and was admitted at theTeacher Training Faculty Sombor– University of Novi Sad. In the third year of his studies, he begun to develop a software for lower elementary school classes in Hungarian language, under the name: Additional learning material for the subjects Nature and society for second grade elementary school pupils (Tananyagkiegészítő természet és társadalomból az általános iskolák második osztálya számára).  He graduated in 2004 with an 8.73 average of grades. The title of his thesis was: “The realization of computer-supported education in schools of Vojvodina.

He continued his studies at the Technical Faculty “Mihajlo Pupin”, specializing in IT in education. He defended his Master’s degree in 2008 (average of grades: 8.86). The title of his final work was: The effects of using comprehensive educational means in order to improve the efficiency of education in elementary schools.

The abstract of his Masterswork: Digitalized maps have been the part of education system in developed countries, since the lower classes of elementary school. Using digitalized maps results in the application of developed technologies in an interesting way. The hypothesis is: using developed means in the teaching of the subject Nature and Society results in the enhancement of pupil motivation and success in knowledge transfer. The software: Digitalized map of Vojvodina has been projected and the effects of its implementation in education tested. The effects have been measured through a survey.

His Master’s degree, written in Serbian: http://bit.ly/1esAA63.

He started his PhD studies at the Technical Faculty “Mihajlo Pupin”, in the scientific field of IT in education in 2008. The title of his doctoral thesis was: Analysis of the effects of applying educational software tools among pupils and the Teachers’ motivation level in primary schools.

The abstract of his PhD dissertation: Educational software is used more and more extensively in developed educational systems. Open and flexible modules are used increasingly instead of closed computer software, being either built into digital educational contents or projected individually. Modern education and modern educational technologies enable efficient use of such contents. There is a need for developing educational software, further, examining their efficiency is also necessary in the Republic of Serbia. Theoretical (pedagogical, psychological, methodological and IT) background and practical value of the models of such instruction is of crucial importance. Measuring the effects of this complex system gives scientific value to this paper, and thus opens up new dimensions to practical teaching. From all the above, it can be concluded that the most important goal of this paper is to explore opportunities how to raise pupils’ and teachers’ motivation, to increase the efficiency of the educational process and improve the durability of learned contents with the help of interactive and multimedia resources as well as using software tools.

The study was conducted in the following educational areas:

  • control group (traditional, frontal method)
  • experimental group (individual method with modern education-technological tools)

He defended his PhD dissertation in 2013. His dissertation in Serbian can be found here: http://bit.ly/1nMgKqc.

He has been working at the Hungarian Language Teacher Training Faculty since 2006, the foundation of  the Faculty as a professor`s assistant for the following courses: Basics of IT (Operation Systems, Text editors and Worksheet calculation), IT in education (Presentation technologies, Cloud-based technologies and Internet), Education technology (Traditional educational tools, Interactive whiteboards, Picture, audio and video editors), Computer in mathematics (elective), Computer in kindergarten, Creating and modifying e-learning environments (elective). He has acted as Chairman of the organization committee for the international conference ICT in Education.

Since 2008 he has been an authorized teacher and tester for ECDL courses.  See abstracts and the galleries of these courses: http://bit.ly/1fqz824

With a team of colleagues Zsolt held the first accredited course for using Interactive Whiteboard in Serbia. This course was accredited by the Institute for Improvement of Education and Upbringing (Zavod za unapređivanje obrazovanja i vaspitanja). All the courses were successful and many teachers learned the basics of using an interactive whiteboard in education and improved their IT skills. The abstracts and the galleries of these courses can be found under the following link: http://bit.ly/1fqz824

Since 2013, he has been working at the Eötvös Lóránd University, Faculty of Education and Psychology in Budapest. He is an external lecturer for the following courses: IT systems in education, informatics and MediaLabs.

A recent research of his has dealt with the possibilities on implementing web 2.0 tools (such as GoogleDrive, Prezi and WordPress) into the educational system in the Republic of Serbia.  Based on the results of this research and on experience in Hungary (Eötvös Lóránd University, Faculty of Education and Psychology) he developed an elective course at the Teacher Training Faculty (Creating and modifying e-learning environments) as well as an accredited course for teachers (Possibilities of implementing web 2.0 tools in educational system in Serbia).

In 2013 he became an external Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

In 2013 he published his university textbook with the title: IT in education (in Hungarian: Oktatásinformatika), which became a university textbook in various universities. The textbook was reviewed by leading experts from this field of research from both Serbia and Hungary. The book can be found in PDF format: http://bit.ly/1fb2Uwe

He has held presentations in 3 languages (Serbian, Hungarian, English). The list of presentations: http://bit.ly/1emxYbs

Europass Curriculum Vitae

 Selected Publications:

 G. Cekuš, Ž. Namestovski (2006): Interdisciplinary education using Digitalized map, The Third International Conference on Informatics, Educational Technology and New media in Education, Sombor, 2006, proceeding of papers, Faculty of Education Sombor, Publishing Centre, ISBN: 86-83097-51-X, 56-62. Download

 D. Glusac, Z. Namestovski (2008): The Role of Digital Educative Material in Effective Teachings; Proceedings of the 8th WSEAS International Conference on MULTIMEDIA, INTERNET & VIDEO TECHNOLOGIES (MIV ’08) & Proceedings of the 8th WSEAS International Conference on DISTANCE LEARNING and WEB ENGINEERING (DIWEB ’08); WSEAS Press, Santander, Cantabria, Spain, ISBN ~ ISSN:1790-5109 , 978-960-474-005-5, 97-101. Download

 Zs. Námesztovszki, M. Takács (2008): Digital Course Supported Education In Life Long Learning Process; Proceeding of the 9th International Symposium of Hungarian researchers on Computational intelligence and informatics, Budapest Tech Hungary – Hungarian Fuzzy Association; Budapest, Hungary, ISBN: 978-963-7154-82-9, 129-136. Download

 Glušac D., Namestovski Ž., Tasić I (2009): The possibilities of new technologies in process of education; Mipro 2009, Croatia, Opatija. Download

 V. Pinter Krekić, Žolt Namestovski (2009): Computer Modelling in Mathematics Education, SISY 2009 7th International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics Proceedings, Budapest Tech (Hungary) – Subotica Tech (Serbia) – University of Novi Sad  (Serbia), Subotica, ISBN: 978-1-4244-5349-8. Download

 V. Pinter Krekić, Ž. Namestovski (2009): Computer simulation as representation of knowedge in education; International Scientific Publication: Material. Methods & Technologies, Info Ivest Ltd, Bulgaria, Sunny Beach resort, ISSN: 1313-2539, Volume 3,  Part 1,  501-507. Download

 V. Pinter Krekić, Žolt Namestovski (2009): Computer Modelling in Mathematics Education, SISY 2009 7th International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics Proceedings, Budapest Tech (Hungary) – Subotica Tech (Serbia) – University of Novi Sad  (Serbia), Subotica, ISBN: 978-1-4244-5349-8. Download

Ž. Namestovski – J Ivanović (2011): The application of  interactive whiteboards in primary schools of Vojvodina; International Conference on Information Technology and Development of Education, ITRO 2011; Technical Faculty “Mihajlo Pupin”, Zrenjanin, ISBN: 978-86-7672-134-4, 312-316.Download

 Zs. Námesztovszki – M. Takács – D. Glušac (2011): Methodology of Implementing Information Technologies in Education. 12th IEEE International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Informatics. Budapest Tech Hungary – Hungarian Fuzzy Association; Budapest, Hungary. ISBN: 978-1-4577-0043-9, 427-431. Download

 Ž. Namestovski – A. Vinko (2012): Assembling interactive panorama pictures for educational purposes instead of static pictures. International Conference on Information Technology and Development of Education, ITRO 2012, Technical Faculty “Mihajlo Pupin”, Zrenjanin, ISBN: 978-86-7672-167-2, 467-470. Download

 Ž. Namestovski – M. Takács – B. Arsović (2012): Supporting Traditional Educational Process with E-Learning Tools. SISY 2012 10thJubilee International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and Informatics Proceedings, Budapest Tech (Hungary) – Subotica Tech (Serbia) – University of Novi Sad  (Serbia), Subotica, ISBN: 978-1-4673-4750-1, 461-464. Download

 B. Arsović – Zs. Námesztovszki – Lj. Diković (2012): Social Media In Education – Pedagogical Background. Proceedings/5th International Conference „Science and Higher Education in Function of Sustainable Development” – SED 2012, Section2, 2-9, High business-technical school of Užice, ISBN:  978-86-83573-26-4, 47-49. Download

 D. Glušac – Ž. Namestovski – V. Pinter-Krekić (2012): Impact of Implementing IT Tools in Elementary Schools on Pupils’ Motivation Level, Metalurgia International, vol. 17 no. 11, ISSN: 1582-2214, 232-236. Download

 B. Arsović – Ž. Namestovski – L. Gogolak (2013): Improvement of university courses on teachers’ training faculty by using of hypervideo design projects, Metalurgia International, vol. 18 no. 05, ISSN: 1582-2214, 231-235. Download

Jan 22

Diplomadolgozat / Témajavaslatok

A játékoktól a számítógépig választható tantárgy módszertani és tartalmi különlegességei
A PowerPoint és a Prezi közötti különbségek bemutatása, pedagógusok szemszögéből
A szövegszerkesztés lehetőségei az általános iskolák alsó osztályaiban (a pedagógusok és a tanulók oldaláról megközelítve)
A táblázatkezelés lehetőségei az általános iskolák alsó tagozataiban
Az IKT eszközök alkalmazásának módszertani különlegességei
Digitális térképek lehetőségei az általános iskolák alsó osztályaiban (Google Maps, Street View)
Elektronikus és virtuális oktatási és tanulási környezetek (MOODLE, MOOC)
GPS alapú rendszerek lehetőségei az általános iskolák alsó osztályaiban
Hangszerkesztés lehetőségei az általános iskolák alsó osztályaiban
Honlapkészítés lehetőségei az általános iskolák alsó osztályaiban
Interaktív táblák lehetőségei az általános iskolák alsó osztályaiban
Internethez kötődő oktatási tartalmak az általános iskolák alsó osztályaiban
Képszerkesztés lehetőségei az általános iskolák alsó osztályaiban
Kollaboratív munkaformák kiteljesedése IKT segítségével az általános iskolák alsó tagozataiban (gondolattérképek, online dokumentumok, interaktív táblák szoftverei)
Közösségi oldalak lehetőségei és veszélyei az általános iskolák alsó osztályaiban
Mobil technológia lehetőségei az általános iskolák alsó osztályaiban
Panorámaképek készítésének lehetőségei az általános iskolák alsó osztályaiban
Prezentációs technológia a gyakorlatban
Videó szerkesztésének lehetőségei az általános iskolák alsó osztályaiban
Videokonferenciák lehetőségei az általános iskolák alsó osztályaiban (Google Hangouts, Skype)
QR-kódok lehetőségei az általános iskolák alsó osztályaiban
Egyéb szabadon választott téma